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Data Visualisation

This application uses a live API provided by to visualize and analyse reports submitted by motorists, cyclists and pedestrians about roads in Dublin. It is a single page JavaScript application that uses geocoded data along with word detection in user report descriptions to compare the state of roads in Dublin post codes and identify the most prevalent problems. The project uses mean and proportion charts to identify unusually high levels of reports. Leaflet.js and HighCharts.js were used together dynamically to present users with an Interactive Choropleth Map that can manipulate charts that are shown in the chart area..

4th Year Projects


As part of their final year, students complete an individual project which makes use of the skills and principles which they have learnt on the programme. Here is a selection – the project  descriptions are written by the students themselves.


Android vs iOS 


An in-depth comparison of the two popular mobile applications platforms, Android and iOS was conducted. A framework was devised for the comparison and using this framework, a more detailed comparison was conducted on buttons, maps and layouts. How these components are implemented and can be manipulated was investigated.

A test application was designed and built natively in both platforms. The test application was designed as a GPS tracking application. It uses Mapping API to display location, speed and distance information. It connects to both remote and server-side databases to store and retrieve data.


EEG Emotion Detector ​

Emotiv EPOC EEG headset measures electrical signals emitted by the brain (EEG), analyses them and detects emotions such as excitement or frustration and facial expressions such as smile, blink etc. The readings (values between 0 and 1) are converted into visual effects similar to a visualizer in a music player using Processing 2.x (programming language often used for data visualisations). User can manipulate the visual effect with emotions and facial expressions: it is blue/green when relaxed, red/pink when excited, larger when frustrated, round when facial expressions are idle, elliptical when smiling, scatters when blinking and tilted when winking left/right..

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